ADİP kültürel miras çalışmalarında, bu mirasın emekçilerine de özel bir bölüm ayırdı. Youtube kanalımızda yayınlanan video söyleşilerimiz “Kültürel Mirasımızı Sırtlayanlar” adını aldı. Arkeolog, rehber, yazar Nükhet Everi’nin sunduğu bu dizide kültürel zenginliklerimizi geçmişten geleceğe aktaran emekçiler ve çalışmaları yer alıyor.
In its cultural heritage studies, ADİP has also dedicated a special section to the workers of this heritage. Our video interviews published on our video channel. This series, hosted by archaeologist, guide, and author Nükhet Everi, features the workers and their works who transfer our cultural wealth from the past to the future.
You can access the translated texts of our interviews via this link.
1- Vakıflı Köyü Müzesi-Lora Çapar (4 Ağustos 2020)
2- Enstantane belgeseli ve Süryaniler-Hakan Aytekin (10 Temmuz 2020)
3- Van ve Çevresi Kültürel Mirası-Fatih Güden (20 Temmuz 2020)
4- Anadolu’da Selçuklu Kültür Mirası-Hasan Fehmi Yılmaz (10 Ağustos 2020)
5- 500. Yıl Vakfı Türk Musevileri Müzesi-Nisya İşman Allovy ve Silviyo Ovadya (18 Ağustos 2020)
6- Şanlıurfa Kültürel Mirası-İbrahim Halil Sarısu (22/23 Eylül 2020)
Bölüm 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyCZqgJH6ds
Bölüm 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5qZQTKQsT8&t=1s
7- Alevi Tahtacı Kültürü ve Bademler Köyü-Yolcu Bilginç (8 Ekim 2020)
8- KMKD Süryani Kültürel Mirası Projeleri-Çağla Parlak ve Başak Emir (21 Ekim 2020)
9- Hakkari'de Nasturi ve Ezidi Kültürel Mirası-Yaşar Kaplan (17 Kasım 2020)
10- Asuri Keldaniler-Buğra Poyraz (23 Kasım 2020)
11- İzmir Yahudi Kültürel Mirası-Nesim Bencoya (13 Aralık 2020)
12- UNESCO Dünya Mirası ve Türkiye-Namık Kemal Döleneken (23 Aralık 2020)
13- Selimiye Camii ve Edirne Kültürel Mirası-Yaşagül Ekinci (11 Ocak 2021)
14- Yesemek Açık Hava Müzesi-Atilla Engin (9 Şubat 2021)
15- Divriği Ulu Camii-Hasan Fehmi Yılmaz (15 Şubat 2021)
16- KARDES (Hafıza Turları Rehberi)-Narod Avcı ve Rudi Sayat Pulatyan (21 Şubat 2021)
17- Bergama Kültür Mirası-Yaşagül Ekinci (14 Mart 2021)
18- Ani Antik Kenti Koruma Projeleri-Yavuz Özkaya (20 Nisan 2021)
19- Balyan Ailesi-Büke Uras (2 Mayıs 2021)
20- Müzecilik ve Avrupa Yılın Müzesi Ödülleri (26 Mayıs 2021)
21- Kenan Yavuz Bayburt Beşpınar Etnoğrafya Müzesi-Kenan Yavuz ve Furkan Yavuz (12 Haziran 2021)
22- Anadolu'da Çifte Minareler-Hasan Fehmi Yılmaz (11 Ağustos 2021)
23- Sümela Manastırı-Katerina Prokos Türker (30 Ağustos 2021)
24- Bir Konferansın Ardından (13 Ekim 2021)
ADİP has dedicated a special section to the workers of this heritage in its cultural heritage studies. Our video interviews (in Turkish) broadcasted on our YouTube channel, are named "Vanguards of Our Cultural Heritage." In this series hosted by archaeologist, guide, and writer Nükhet Everi, we feature the workers and their efforts in passing down our cultural richness from past to future.
You can access the interviews from the links below.
Chapter 1 "Vakıflı Village Museum" with Lora Çapar
Life in Vakıflı Village, the idea of the ethnographic museum and its establishment, the presentation of the museum, future projects.
Chapter 2 "Enstantane Documentary and the Syriac Diaspora" with Hakan Aytekin
Initiation of the documentary, production stages, importance of oral history studies.
Chapter 3 Van Armenian Cultural Heritage - "Silent Pines” Documentary" with Fatih Güden
Van historical and cultural heritage sites, Christian architectural structures in Gürpınar, Nestorian structures, the formation and screening processes of the documentary
Chapter 4 Anatolian Seljuks with Hayri Fehmi Yılmaz
The arrival of the Seljuks in Anatolia, Seljuk architectural works, Christianity in Anatolia during the Seljuk period, the place of the Seljuks in world history.
Chapter 5 Turkish Jews 500th Anniversary Museum - Silviyo Ovadia and Nisya Isman Alovi
Establishment and promotion of the 500th Anniversary Museum, Turkish Jews from past to present
Chapter 6 Cultural heritage of Urfa with İbrahim Halil Sarısu
ShortBrief history of Urfa, history of beliefs in Urfa, recent archaeological excavations, diversity of historical buildings in Urfa.
Chapter 7 Yolcu Bilginç and the Tahtacıs
History of the Tahtaciıs, Bademler Village, Tahtacıs today
Chapter 8 Syriac Cultural Heritage projects with Çağla Parlak and Başak Emir
Presentation of Syriac Cultural Heritage projects and outputs.
Chapter 9 Nestorian Culture in Anatolia with Yaşar Kaplan and Emin Sarı
Research on Nestorians and Yazidis, Yazidis of TurkeyTürkiye, presentation of the documentary Sahipsiz Çığlık, Nestorian Cultural Heritage in Hakkari
Chapter 10 "Assyrian Chaldeans from History tountil Today" with Buğra Poyraz
Origin of Assyrian Chaldeans and the Catholicisation Process, Chaldeans and Ancient Babylonian Connection, Assyrian Chaldeans in the Republican Period, Chaldean Population and Distribution in TurkeyTürkiye, Status of Chaldean Villages, Evacuation of Villages and Resettlement, Migration Process from Turkey.
Chapter 11 "Izmir Jewish Cultural Heritage" with Nesim Bencoyo
Historical and Social Structure of Izmir Jewish Community, Jewish Synagogues in the Kemeraltı Region of Izmir, History and Functions of Synagogues, Restoration and Protection of Synagogues, Vision Developed with Izmir’s Jewish Community, Efforts to Create a Jewish Cultural Heritage Visitor Point, Architectural and Historical Features of Synagogues, Future of Izmir Jewish Cultural Heritage Projects
Chapter 12 UNESCO World Heritage and Turkey with Namık Kemal Döleneken
TurkeyTürkiye's UNESCO World Heritage Monuments, Application Process to UNESCO, Site Management and Its Importance, Things to Consider in the Application Process, What are the Changes After Entering the UNESCO List, Challenges TurkeyTürkiye Faces in the UNESCO Processes, Rejected Applications and the Reapplication Process, UNESCO's Role in the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Suggestions for TurkeyTürkiye's Success in UNESCO Processes
Chapter 13 Selimiye Mosque and and Edirne's UNESCO Process with Yaşagül Ekinci
The Importance of Selimiye Mosque and Mimar Sinan, Edirne's Historical and Cultural Heritage, Architectural Details and Features of Selimiye Mosque, Issues to be Considered in the Application, The Effects of Selimiye Mosque's Inclusion inon the UNESCO List
Chapter 14 Yesemek Museum and Hittite Cultural Heritage with Prof. Dr. Atilla Engin
Importance of Yesemek Open Air Museum, Connection between the Hittite Empire and Yesemek, Excavations at Yesemek and Important Finds, Hittite Art and Yesemek
Chapter 15 "Divriği Great Mosque and Darüşşifa" with Hayri Fehmi Yılmaz
History of Divriği Great Mosque and Darüşşifa, Legacy of the Mengücekli Dynasty, Contributions of Ahmet Şah and Turan Melek, Unique Doors of Divriği Great Mosque
Chapter 16 "KARDES Memory Tours" with Narod Avci and Rudi Sayat Pulatyan
Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Details and Scope of Kardes Project, Expansion of Kardes to other cCities, Future Plans and Goals
Chapter 17 "Cultural Heritage of Bergama" with Yaşagül Ekinci
Cultural Riches of Bergama, The Road to UNESCO World Heritage List, Historical Importance of Bergama, Protection of Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism, Suggestions for Visitors: Places to Visit in Bergama.
Chapter 18 "Restoration of the Ancient City of Ani" with Yavuz Özkaya
First Meeting with Ani and Impressions, Project Process and Challenges, Restoration Techniques and Practices, New Information and Discoveries, Protection of Cultural Heritage and Social Awareness, Future Plans and Goals in Ani.
Chapter 19 On the Balyans with Büke Uras
From Being a Collector to Architectural Historiography, the inception of the Balyan Book, The Importance of Balyan Family Archive, Prejudices against Balyan Architecture in the 20th Century, Sarkis Balyan: Modern Ottoman Architect
Chapter 20 European Museum of the Year Awards with Nükhet Everi
Museology, European Museum of the Year Awards, Achievements of the Troy Museum, Eskişehir Odunpazarı Modern Museum, Kenan Yavuz Ethnography Museum, General Information on the European Museum of the Year Awards
Chapter 21 Kenan Yavuz Ethnography Museum
The Birth Foundation and Development of the Ethnographic Museum, Cooperation with the Local Community, New Trend; Cultural Tourism
Chapter 22 "Double Minarets in Anatolia" with Hayri Fehmi Yılmaz
The Importance and Origin of Double Minarets, Double Minarets in Anatolia, The Impact of Minarets on Islamic Architectural and Cultural Heritage, Double Minarets in the Seljuk and Ottoman Periods, Double Minarets in Iran, India, and Azerbaijan, Ayşe Denk Nalbant's Studies on Double Minarets, Double Minarets in Erzurum and Sivas, Engineering and Aesthetic Values of Double Minarets, Use of Double Minarets in Madrasas and Mosques
Chapter 23 "Sümela Monastery" with Katerina Prokos Türker
The location and history of Sümela Monastery, Status of the monastery during the Byzantine and Ottoman periods, The 1923 population exchange and its aftermath, Access to the monastery and the experiences awaiting visitors, Important structures and frescoes within the monastery, The restoration process and the work carried out, The protection of the frescoes and other restoration details, Plans for the completion of the restoration, Points to be considered by visitors.
Chapter 24 "After a Conference" with Doğan Bermek, İştar Gözaydın, Vanessa R. Obaldiía
ADİP International Conference on Transformations in Places of FaithThe Conversion of Spaces and Places of Worship in Anatolia
Main Themes of the Conference, Transformations in terms of Modern Law and International Law, Social and Cultural Impacts: Effects on Social Peace and Tolerance, Future Perspectives and Suggestions for Protection, Public Awareness and Education, International Cooperation and Global Awareness.
KMS 6 - Urfa Kültürel Mirası Urfa Cultural Heritage
KMS 6 - Urfa Kültürel Mirası Urfa Cultural Heritage