ARBP in International Meetings

ARBP in Interntional Meetings

In addition to its work at national level, ARBP maintains its connections with international organizations that defend and aim to promote freedom of religion and belief. Last month, we took part in online meetings aimed at increasing communication and solidarity among organizations that support freedom of religion and belief in different parts of the world.

At the “Freedom of Religion and Belief (FoRB) in Practice”, which is a 3 staged webinar series organized by Faith&Belief Forum, civil society organizations, faith and belief groups, policy experts, diplomats and academics came together to listen case studies from different regions, participate in interactive discussions and share strategies and practical tools. During the event, issues such as “the relationship of the practices of freedom of religion and belief with local concepts such as living together and respect for others, promoting FoRB as good for the majority as well as for protection of minorities” were discussed. In addition, case study presentations about Nigeria, Cyprus and France were shared with the participants. Participants from different parts of the world shared with each other the strategies, methods and problems they encountered in advocating freedom of religion and belief in their own countries. Anonymously collected data and opinions were made into a report after the event and shared with the participants.

Another series of events we attended was organized by the International Religious Freedom (IRF) Roundtable. The IRF Roundtable is an informal group of non-governmental organizations that meet regularly to discuss international religious freedom issues. The aim of the meetings is to discuss international freedom of religion and belief problems with the participants, to create a support network and to find political solutions to the problems. The IRF Roundtable makes policy recommendations to the governmental units of the United States on freedom of religion and belief, as well as calls to different governments around the world. The institution listens to the demands of groups of various religions and beliefs, and calls to the relevant authorities with collective letters. At the weekly meeting on April 6, we announced our international conference, which we organized as ARBP, to 118 participants from approximately 50 countries.

In addition to the weekly roundtable meetings, the IRF Roundtable also organizes events at sub-commissions level. In this context, ARBP is also a participant of the IRF Roundtable Middle East Working Group, and is among the signatories of the letters written to Iran and France officials.